Oregon High-Asset Divorce Lawyer

When high-profile and wealthy marriages are dissolved, it becomes much like dissolving a business. Only lawyers who have experience in dealing with such cases can deal with them in a sophisticated way to complete a high-asset divorce smoothly.

In some cases, there is an inequitable balance of the sophistication of the parties or a complete lack of understanding of what assets there are. Mike Arnold specializes in putting every piece of such puzzles in place. Our attorneys have expertise in tracking the roots of assets around the world, following money and estimating the real value of assets. A divorce lawyer need to be able to have the knowledge and experience in organizing buyouts of closely-held corporations in a way that does not interrupt productivity or income streams.

To dissolve a marriage which involves putting into place complex assets like retirement accounts, cash-based income, closely-held corporations, you need to ensure that the attorney you are in touch with should be well experienced with such voluminous bank transactions and records. These are sensitive issues and need mature dealing. Keen attention to detail and an eye for inconsistencies in the bank records forms the basis of such dealings. Your Eugene, Oregon, family law attorneys need substantial experience in litigating complex asset divorce cases as well as complex commercial litigation in Oregon.

Military Benefits – Oregon Attorneys

For dissolving a marriage which involves parties from a military background, you need to hire an attorney who has enough experience in this area. Relevant experience is fundamental here because when the language in a judgment is improper, the division of a military retirement could be unenforceable. Additionally, there are several unique avenues to acquire information relevant to the dissolution.

For more information about hiring an Oregon family law lawyer, call/text 541-797-0110.